Anarchat info
Anarchat is a free chatting service, free means no needed money and no rules
It is developed by Yester/RackGames and is ready to use to all the public, wherever an whenever
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Anarchat rules
To create an user you choose a passwoard and a name and you can log in later writting both name and password.
The name length must be between 8 and 32 characters just like the password, wich must be different of the name.
Each person can create as much accounts as they want.
Each account has a profile image definied by an image url, name, password and a description with a max length of 128 characters. The only parameter private to the user is the password.
There are two types of room, private and public
Private rooms have a list of members including the founder. Only they can read and write messages.
On public rooms any user on the world can read and write messages, so, theese rooms doesn't have a member list. Each user can create only one pulbic room.
on both types of rooms each user can edit and delete their messages while the founder can delete and edit any.
For private rooms the founder can create invitation links and codes, if the founder activates the Public Code option, the users can also create invitation links and codes.
Anarchat security
As the name claims, Anarchat is as free as possible. If you don't want your account or rooms to be scammed just be cautionous about your password and invitations.
Remember to deal with the consequences...
Anarchat issues
As Anarchat is only using free services (ej: database, host, etc...), the entire service may be slow.
If an action doesn't execute inmediately (ej: deleting, creating, loading, etc...) just be patient, or refresh the page.
We apologise the slowness...
Anarchat is created by Yester/RackGames almost entirely, for more information visit the Rack Games and gamejolt sites.
Services supporting Anarchat
Anarchat wouldn't be possible without theese services:
As the previous section said, Anarchat wouldn't be possible without theese services:
If you have any issue, sugestion or wathever, remember, DON'T CONTACT ANYONE, ANARCHAT MUST BE UNSUPERVISED